Monday, February 16, 2009

the weekend...

This past weekend was Valentine's Day weekend and it was possibly one of the most fun weekends I've had in a really long time!  Friday started out with our usual round of golf at the Furman golf course.  A few friends and I have started a Friday tradition of walking nine holes after class.  Its a great way to relax, hang out and enjoy the start of the weekend.  Friday night was filled with a great dinner cooked by some of the girls, followed by star gazing and just spending time with one another.  Saturday, instead of spending it with the significant other (which there is none), my friend Cary and I decided to head up into the mountains of North Carolina to stay the night at my recently completed mountain house.  On the way to the mountains, we got a call from some other friends who had decided at the last moment to take a ski trip at a local ski hill about 45 minutes away from my house.  Cary and I decided to tag along for the evening!  
Let me tell you, skiing on the East Coast is completely different than the West!  As Cary always says, "Real men ski on ice." Which I came to find out wasn't true at all.  Apparently real men ski on slush.  It was about 40 degrees on the "mountain" and all the snow was melting.  The lifties were trying everything in their power to keep the snow on the slopes.  Cary hadn't been skiing in six years, however he managed not to fall once which was pretty darn commendable.  While the Sugar Mountain ski hill wasn't as invigorating as those in Alaska and the West Coast, it was great to hit the slopes nonetheless!
Besides the fact that I finished the weekend by studying for an accounting test, I had an absolute blast!  

Tim and Brinti FINALLY!

Alright!!!  It's about time that I finally get these pictures up!  For some reason the photo uploader would not let me post these pictures!  Anyway, these are just a few from the most recent wedding in Maui.  For more check out the website.  

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Tim and Britni

Soooo...for some reason, the blog is having trouble uploading pictures!  I'll try and post from my latest wedding as soon as I'm able to put up pictures. 

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Christmas Break

This past Christmas break, I was fortunate enough to spend time in the two non-contiguous states of Alaska and Hawaii!  Talk about a difference in environment!  Alaska has always been my home and I wanted to have a white Christmas as well as an opportunity to see my boys and do a little skiing.  The 12 days I spent up north couldn't have been more perfect!  The snow and skiing were great, I got to spend time with my boys and other friends and family.  Wintertime in Alaska is by far my favorite season because the landscapes look absolutely stunning with a pristine layer of fresh snow.  

What better way to enjoy the snow than backcountry skiing?  With two of my best friends, Justin and Paul, we all set out on snowmachines out into the wilderness of Turnagain Pass in search of cliffs, jumps and fresh powder.  There's nothing that is more fun than spending the day with your best friends while enjoying Mother Nature and all the God has created. Regardless of Justin's bloody lip and nose after a somewhat failed backflip, the day was nothing short of epic.  

As Christmas came and passed, I was blessed to have the opportunity to head for warmer climes for the last two weeks of break. The day we left Anchorage, the temperature hovered around -5 degrees.  For the next two weeks, it was never warmer than 0 and temperatures ranged anywhere from -1 to -26 degrees.  Talk about a perfect time to leave AK!!  The next two weeks were spent in paradise with family and friends lounging by the beach, touching whales and snorkeling with Crush the sea turtle across the street from the house.  ;)  

Towards the end of the trip, I had the opportunity to shoot a wedding on Maui. The couple, Tim and Britni Brown, were old acquaintances from my high school.  I was second shooter with my good friend Josh Newton and we could not have asked for a better day for the ceremony!  The sun was shining, there was not a cloud in sight and the beach was perfect. I am so blessed to have the opportunity to travel to such gorgeous destinations and spend time with amazing people!  

Monday, January 26, 2009

Much delayed...

Hey all, 
So, I promised myself when I made this blog that I would be vigilant in posting but as you can see, it's been a long while since my first post.  A lot has happened since the site began!  For those of you that have checked out the site recently, I've added a few weddings and some scenery shots as well.  
I've been incredibly blessed to have my friend Josh Newton mentor me in the art of wedding photojournalism.  He has helped me tremendously and I am forever indebted to him!  My latest wedding comes from the island of Maui.  Pictures and entry to come soon!  
As this new spring semester begins, the work is already piling up.  As it worked out, I am a few credits ahead so I decided to underload this term.  This will hopefully give me a little extra time to dedicate towards furthering my photography passion and developing business.  I've recently made a few flyers to post around Furman's campus as well as downtown Greenville which will hopefully get my name out and generate some business.  Now it's just a waiting game to see where these new initiatives will take me...

Sunday, October 19, 2008

New Website!

Hey y'all!  
I want to welcome you to my new website.  It's going to be a work in progress for a little while so please bare with me as there will probably be tons of changes being made!  My reason for this website and blog is to try and branch out into the wedding photography business here in Upstate South Carolina and surrounding areas.  One of my best friends Josh Newton is an incredible photographer/mentor and has helped me develop my skills and website.  I owe a lot to him!  Please feel free to write me on Facebook or email at with any suggestions for the website!  Enjoy perusing the site!